Horse Sense

If there are cows, there must be cowboys, and cowgirls... and cowdogs. It is very important that ATV and OHV riders of all varieties respect the horses and riders. The best way to do this if they approach you is to simply (a). stop your machine, (b) turn it off,

Group Riding

"The more, the merrier," is how the old saying goes. How nice if that were always true. The truth is, when it comes to motorized vehicles, perhaps another saying would be more appropriate: " Two's company, three's a crowd." Before you draw the conclusion that I'm not in favor of group rides,

General Knowledge

Understanding the basics of your machine will help keep your machine in good running order, help keep you on the ATV, and provide you with an overall better riding experience. Let's start with the basics of the ATV and move on from there. Most machines have an owner's manual hidden somewhere